
Pardon my elation

I finally saw some honeybees in the warm afternoon sun, two days before the spring equinox, in the rosemary blossoms next door, and I managed to snap some photos.

I am elated. These worker bees filled me with a restless joy, and I found myself wandering around, tidying the yard, cleaning the house, and planting seeds. I started echinacae, bee balm, sweet basil, tulsi basil, and butterfly weed seeds in addition to nurturing, feeding, and watering my seedlings. I found (ha!) some tomatoes that I didn't transplant yet, so that's on the to-do list for tomorrow or Saturday.

I also made some homemade yogurt. I just took aprox. 3 tbsp. of organic store-bought yogurt with live cultures and filled the mason jar with whole organic milk, gave it a shake, and set it in a warm oven (I preheated the oven to 350, place the jar in the oven, and turned the oven off) for the night.

Here are the poults, bigger by the day. The two on the left are americaunas and the dark one is a black australorp.

I am exhausted, though. I am fighting off a cold, and school has been extremely busy and challenging of late. I love it. I love my job; I love my students. I have to do some grading tonight, though, and every day this week I have worked around 10 hours a day. Spring break is only a few short hours away, though. I am itching to craft and sew and read novels and gardening books and garden next week!

I close with a future salmonberry.

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