
Happy belated May Day! A celebration of the end of the cold half of the year in the Northern Hemisphere, a celebration of Flora and Walpurgis Night. Here in Portland, the last average frost date is considered by some to be April 15 and by others to be May 1, so it's officially the beginning of the planting season.

This weekend, we celebrated with music, dancing, fire, and walks on the beach. We gifted each other with Samurai names, and I am Kiyoshi Yumi (Quiet Beauty), Yukio (Happy Hero), Kuhana (Little Flower), and Rai (very trustworthy and dependable).


  1. this sounds/looks so wonderful...i've been craving the beach lately in a big way and this just makes it more intense.

  2. Kiyoshi Yumi is good. I would stick with that one (if I were you, that is. I'm neither quiet not beautiful.)
