
7 by 2012!

Here's the 12 by 2012 update: I am making some real progress, and a few of my smaller goals are rather small. One of the largest has been my academic goal: much of my time has been spent working on this goal, and I am so close to being there. I don't know if I'll receive an A, but I'll be as close as I possibly can.

1. Blog: update and rethink blog with steps taken/initiated toward new design for the new year. Done!
2. Academics: Complete my grad. level PSU class with an A and a possible publication.
Final draft of introductory essay completed. We also presented a panel discussion on our work at the Multnomah County Library that we got some great feedback on, including from our professor. Just have to write a 3-5 page reflection.
3. Painting: Finish painting the bedroom sky blue, the guest bedroom hazel green, the hallway a turquoise/teal and the downstairs a creamy latte/chocolate brown.
In progress: finished the second coat of hazel green in the guest bedroom and finished the blue in the bedroom.
4. Donate old clothes and books. Done!
5. Host a friend's Thanksgiving: Invite people over for a Thanksgiving potluck the Saturday of Thanksgiving weekend. Done!
6. Host some thank-you dinners for friends who have been super helpful in the past month of stress and madness.
7. Unpack. Done!
8. Buy a washer and dryer. Done! 
9. Buy a new phone and get set up on family plan and teacher discount.
10. Take real steps toward the next big project (to be clarified later). 
We have three houses rented, the wedding spot rented, and I've started to look at dresses. That's some progress, but I'd like to find a caterer and photographer by Jan. 1.
11. Start taking photographs and publishing them again.
12. Go to yoga at least 7 times.
In progress: I am going for the 5th time tonight after work!

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